Saturday, November 09, 2013

Disney Vault Release Dates

Way back in the day, Disney would reissue movies to theatres for a limited time, and due to the popularity of this practice, the Walt Disney Company extended this to include home releases. Now, when classics get released, they are out for a short period of time and then are put into the vault for 7 years. So basically, you have to scramble around to buy the movies quickly or else you’ll be waiting for a long time to get them again.

Luckily, with the creation of the Internet comes wonderful things, like websites and pages for the Disney Vault!

This Disney Vault site can keep you up-to-date on all kinds of Disney information, including the release dates for the movies.

You can also like the Disney Vault Facebook page:

Now you’ll never be stuck on when the movies come out! I would suggest bookmarking it – it will definitely come in handy for gifts for kids of all ages. It’s like a calendar for movies from Disney online! Awesome right? You can thank me later. 

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